OpenAI introduces team dedicated to stopping rogue AI

The potential dangers of highly-intelligent AI systems have been a topic of concern for experts in the field.

Recently, Geoffrey Hinton – the so-called “Godfather of AI” – expressed his worries about the possibility of superintelligent AI surpassing human capabilities and causing catastrophic consequences for humanity.

Similarly, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT chatbot, admitted to being fearful of the potential effects of...

OpenAI’s first global office will be in London

OpenAI has announced that it will establish its first international office in London.

The strategic move demonstrates OpenAI's commitment to expanding its operations, embracing diverse perspectives, and accelerating its mission of ensuring that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity.

London, renowned for its exceptional talent pool, was chosen as the ideal location for OpenAI's international office. The city's vibrant technology ecosystem,... picks up OpenAI’s founding mission

Mozilla's new startup will build "trustworthy" AI that benefits humanity. If that sounds familiar, it was OpenAI’s founding mission.

The startup,, aims to create an independent and open-source AI ecosystem that addresses society’s most pressing concerns about the rapidly-advancing technology.

Mark Surman, President of the Mozilla Foundation, wrote in a blog post:

“This new wave of AI has generated excitement, but also significant apprehension....

Gary Marcus criticises Elon Musk’s AGI prediction

Gary Marcus has criticised a prediction by Elon Musk that AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) will be achieved by 2029 and challenged him to a $100,000 bet.

Marcus founded RobustAI and Geometric Intelligence (acquired by Uber), is the Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neural Science at NYU, and authored Rebooting.AI. His views on AGI are worth listening to.

AGI is the kind of artificial intelligence depicted in movies like Space Odyssey (‘HAL’) and Iron Man...