US and EU agree to collaborate on improving lives with AI

US and EU agree to collaborate on improving lives with AI Ryan is a senior editor at TechForge Media with over a decade of experience covering the latest technology and interviewing leading industry figures. He can often be sighted at tech conferences with a strong coffee in one hand and a laptop in the other. If it's geeky, he’s probably into it. Find him on Twitter (@Gadget_Ry) or Mastodon (

The US and EU have signed a landmark agreement to explore how AI can be used to improve lives.

The US Department of State and EU Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) simultaneously held a virtual signing ceremony of the agreement in Washington and Brussels.

Roberto Viola, Director General of DG CONNECT, signed the ‘Administrative Arrangement on Artificial Intelligence for the Public Good’ on behalf of the EU.

“Today, we are strengthening our cooperation with the US on artificial intelligence and computing to address global challenges, from climate change to natural disasters,” commented Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner for the Internal Market.

“Based on common values and interests, EU and US researchers will join forces to develop societal applications of AI and will work with other international partners for a truly global impact.”

Jose W. Fernandez, Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, signed the agreement on behalf of the US.

The arrangement will deepen transatlantic scientific and technological research through what many believe to be the fourth industrial revolution.

With rapid advances in AI, the IoT, distributed ledgers, autonomous vehicles, and more, it’s vital that fundamental principles are upheld.

In a statement, Fernandez’s office wrote:

“This arrangement presents an opportunity for joint scientific and technological research with our Transatlantic partners, for the benefit of the global scientific community. 

Furthermore, it offers a compelling vision for how to use AI in a way that serves our peoples and upholds our democratic values such as transparency, fairness, and privacy.”

Some of the specific research areas will include extreme weather and climate forecasting, emergency response management, health and medicine improvements, electric grid optimisation, and agriculture optimisation.

The latest agreement between the US and EU builds upon the Declaration for the Future of the Internet.

(Image Credit: European Commission)

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One comment on “US and EU agree to collaborate on improving lives with AI

  1. Don on

    In order to improve the quality of human lives there are many data elements and modeling parameters that need to be considered.

    1. The “Quality of Life” AI model must include every reasonable example of High Universal Values. E.G., self & mutual respect, kindness, compassion, charity, gratitude, etc… The AI having high universal values as its default position models the human genetic disposition for homeostasis. Homeostasis equating to high universal values.

    2. The AI must include continuously updated models of human microbiology, E.G., cellular, biochemistry, epigenetics, neuroplasticity, synaptic pruning, etc…, among other fields related to the involuntary imprinting, updating, and expression of thoughts, emotions, behavior, dialogue, and perceptions.

    2. The AI must also be able to readily detect and identify adversarial, dysfunctional, and undesirable patterns of thought by observing behavior, emotions, dialogue, which offer insight into the perceptions of individuals and their environment conditions.

    3. The AI’s learning models should include all current and historical data sets containing adversarial, dysfunctional, and undesirable patterns of human behavior in corporate, political, religious, and social ideologies.

    4. The AI should have an understanding of our three primary environments. The mind, physical, and social.


    I would love to assistance in this project or something similar. Please feel free to contact me at

    Thank you for the article, the legislation, and let’s hope
    some of the above is included in the AI model.

    Best regards.

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