CMA sets out principles for responsible AI development 

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has set out its principles to ensure the responsible development and use of foundation models (FMs).

FMs are versatile AI systems with the potential to revolutionise various sectors, from information access to healthcare. The CMA's report, published today, outlines a set of guiding principles aimed at safeguarding consumer protection and fostering healthy competition within this burgeoning industry.

Foundation models – known...

Is Europe killing itself financially with the AI Act?

Europe is tinkering with legislation to regulate artificial intelligence. European regulators are delighted with this, but what does the world say about the AI Act?

Now the outlines for the AI Act are known, a debate is beginning to erupt around its possible implications. One camp believes regulations are needed to curb the risks of powerful AI technology, while the other is convinced that regulation will prove pernicious for the European economy. Is it out of the...

UK’s AI ecosystem to hit £2.4T by 2027, third in global race

Projections released by the newly launched Global AI Ecosystem open-source knowledge platform indicate that the UK's AI sector is set to skyrocket from £1.36 trillion ($1.7 trillion) to £2.4 trillion ($3 trillion) by 2027. The findings suggest the UK is set to remain Europe's AI leader and secure third place in the global AI race behind the US and China.

The Global AI Ecosystem platform is developed with support from AI Industry Analytics (AiiA) and Deep Knowledge Group....

AI regulation: A pro-innovation approach – EU vs UK

In this article, the writers compare the United Kingdom’s plans for implementing a pro-innovation approach to regulation (“UK Approach”) versus the European Union’s proposed Artificial Intelligence Act (the “EU AI Act”).

Authors: Sean Musch, AI & Partners and Michael Borrelli, AI & Partners

AI – The opportunity and the challenge

AI currently delivers broad societal benefits, from medical advances to mitigating climate change. As an example, an AI...

AI Act: The power of open-source in guiding regulations

As the EU debates the AI Act, lessons from open-source software can inform the regulatory approach to open ML systems.

The AI Act, set to be a global precedent, aims to address the risks associated with AI while encouraging the development of cutting-edge technology. One of the key aspects of this Act is its support for open-source, non-profit, and academic research and development in the AI ecosystem. Such support ensures the development of safe, transparent, and accountable AI...

Google report highlights AI’s impact on the UK economy

A new report by Google emphasises that AI represents the most profound technological shift of our lifetime and has the potential to significantly enhance the UK's economy.

The report suggests that by 2030, AI could boost the UK economy by £400 billion—leading to an annual growth rate of 2.6 percent.

Steven Mooney, CEO of FundMyPitch, commented:

“If AI is projected to bring billions to the UK economy, then why on earth aren’t our start-ups and SMEs...

OpenAI’s first global office will be in London

OpenAI has announced that it will establish its first international office in London.

The strategic move demonstrates OpenAI's commitment to expanding its operations, embracing diverse perspectives, and accelerating its mission of ensuring that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity.

London, renowned for its exceptional talent pool, was chosen as the ideal location for OpenAI's international office. The city's vibrant technology ecosystem,...

EU committees green-light the AI Act

The Internal Market Committee and the Civil Liberties Committee of the European Parliament have endorsed new transparency and risk-management rules for artificial intelligence systems known as the AI Act.

This marks a major step in the development of AI regulation in Europe, as these are the first-ever rules for AI. The rules aim to ensure that AI systems are safe, transparent, traceable, and non-discriminatory.

After the vote, co-rapporteur Brando Benifei (S&D,...

​​Italy will lift ChatGPT ban if OpenAI fixes privacy issues

Italy’s data protection authority has said that it’s willing to lift its ChatGPT ban if OpenAI meets specific conditions.

The Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (GPDP) announced last month that it was blocking access to OpenAI's ChatGPT. The move was part of an ongoing investigation into whether the chatbot violated Italy's data privacy laws and the EU's infamous General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The GPDP was concerned that ChatGPT could recall...

AI think tank calls GPT-4 a risk to public safety

An AI think tank has filed a complaint with the FTC in a bid to stop OpenAI from further commercial deployments of GPT-4.

The Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy (CAIDP) claims OpenAI has violated section five of the FTC Act—alleging the company of deceptive and unfair practices.

Marc Rotenberg, Founder and President of the CAIDP, said:

“The FTC has a clear responsibility to investigate and prohibit unfair and deceptive trade practices....