Anthropic launches ChatGPT rival Claude 2

Anthropic has launched Claude 2, an advanced large language model (LLM) that excels in coding, mathematics, and reasoning tasks.

Claude 2 is designed to simulate conversations with a helpful colleague or personal assistant. The latest version has been fine-tuned to deliver an improved user experience, with enhanced conversational abilities, clearer explanations, reduced production of harmful outputs, and extended memory.

In coding proficiency, Claude 2 outperforms its...

OpenAI introduces team dedicated to stopping rogue AI

The potential dangers of highly-intelligent AI systems have been a topic of concern for experts in the field.

Recently, Geoffrey Hinton – the so-called “Godfather of AI” – expressed his worries about the possibility of superintelligent AI surpassing human capabilities and causing catastrophic consequences for humanity.

Similarly, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the company behind the popular ChatGPT chatbot, admitted to being fearful of the potential effects of...

Top 10 emerging AI and ML uses in data centres

In this week’s round-up, we share the top 10 ways AI and ML technologies are transforming the world’s data centres, driving efficiencies and sustainability

Across the world’s industries, AI and ML are enabling a huge degree of transformation.

These technologies - in their many forms - are being utilised to drive improvements in operational efficiency, sustainability and capacity management, just to name a handful. 

In data centres, AI and ML...

NHS receives AI fund to improve healthcare efficiency

NHS staff will soon have access to advanced AI technology to enhance the speed and accuracy of patient diagnosis and treatment, thanks to a new £21 million fund.

The AI Diagnostic Fund will allow NHS Trusts to apply for funding to expedite the deployment of AI imaging and decision support tools, particularly for diagnosing conditions such as cancers, strokes, and heart conditions.

The Health and Social Care Secretary, Steve Barclay, has also pledged to implement AI...

Wimbledon to feature AI commentary and draw analysis

IBM and the All England Lawn Tennis Club have announced new AI-powered features for the Wimbledon digital fan experience that will debut at this year's Championships.

The features include generative AI commentary and AI draw analysis, aimed at enhancing the engagement and insight for tennis enthusiasts.

Usama Al-Qassab, Marketing & Commercial Director at The All England Club, said:

"We are constantly innovating with our partners at IBM to provide Wimbledon...

SK Telecom outlines its plans with AI partners

SK Telecom (SKT) is taking significant steps to solidify its position in the global AI ecosystem. 

The company recently held a meeting at its Silicon Valley headquarters with CEOs from four new AI partners – CMES, MakinaRocks, Scatter Lab, and FriendliAI – to discuss business cooperation and forge a path towards leadership in the AI industry.

SKT has been actively promoting AI transformation through strategic partnerships and collaborations with various AI...

Stephen Almond, ICO: Prioritise privacy when adopting generative AI

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is urging businesses to prioritise privacy considerations when adopting generative AI technology.

According to new research, generative AI has the potential to become a £1 trillion market within the next ten years, offering significant benefits to both businesses and society. However, the ICO emphasises the need for organisations to be aware of the associated privacy risks.

Stephen Almond, the Executive Director of Regulatory...

Mark Zuckerberg: AI will be built into all of Meta’s products

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled the extent of the company’s AI investments during an internal company meeting.

The meeting included discussions about new products, such as chatbots for Messenger and WhatsApp that can converse with different personas. Additionally, Meta announced new features for Instagram, including the ability to modify user photos via text prompts and create emoji stickers for messaging services.

These developments come at a crucial time for Meta,...

AI Task Force adviser: AI will threaten humans in two years

An artificial intelligence task force adviser to the UK prime minister has a stark warning: AI will threaten humans in two years.

The adviser, Matt Clifford, said in an interview with TalkTV that humans have a narrow window of two years to control and regulate AI before it becomes too powerful.

“The near-term risks are actually pretty scary. You can use AI today to create new recipes for bioweapons or to launch large-scale cyber attacks,” said...

AI leaders warn about ‘risk of extinction’ in open letter

The Center for AI Safety (CAIS) recently issued a statement signed by prominent figures in AI warning about the potential risks posed by the technology to humanity.

“Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war,” reads the statement.

Signatories of the statement include renowned researchers and Turing Award winners like Geoffery Hinton and Yoshua Bengio, as well as...