What leveraging AI in hybrid security systems means for enterprises

AI security systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more common than you may realise. Many of society’s leading technologies are driven by AI technology, as their automated functions streamline processes and help people do more with less time.

Now, AI is integrating into commercial security systems and starting to revolutionise technology. Modern security systems with AI technology can help security teams better detect threats and provide faster responses to protect your business more...

Georgia State researchers design artificial vision device for microrobots

Camera Lens

Researchers at Georgia State University (GSU) have designed an ‘electric eye’ - an artificial vision device – for micro-sized robots.

Through using synthetic methods, the device mimics the biochemical processes that allow for vision in the natural world.

It improves on previous research in terms of colour recognition, a particularly challenging area due to the difficulty of downscaling colour sensing devices. Conventional colour sensors typically consume a large...

AI drug research algorithm flipped to invent 40,000 biochemical weapons

Toxic Molecules

We often hear about the benefits artificial intelligence (AI) can bring to medicine and healthcare through drug research, but could it also pose a threat?

Researchers from Collaborations Pharmaceuticals, a North Carolina-based drug discovery company, have published a paper that highlights the dangerous potential of AI and machine learning to discover biochemical weapons.

By simply tweaking a machine learning model called MegaSyn to reward instead of penalise predicted...

MicroAI showcasing host of AI security products at CES Las Vegas

Conference Audience

MicroAI, a Texas-based edge AI product developer, is demonstrating its Launchpad quick-start deployment tool along with its new security software at this year’s CES exhibition.

The world’s largest tech exhibition, CES is taking place at the Las Vegas Convention Centre (LVCC) from 5-7 January this year.

MicroAI has partnered with communications solutions provider iBASIS to showcase Launchpad’s management capabilities at booth 12318.

Using connectivity...

Oxford Union invites an AI to debate the ethics of its own existence

DNA Sequencing

The Oxford Union, the debating society of the University of Oxford, invited an artificial intelligence to debate the ethics surrounding its own existence earlier in December. The results? Troubling.

The AI in question was the Megatron Transformer, a supervised learning tool developed by the applied deep research team at NVIDIA, based on earlier work by Google.

Trained on real-world data, the Megatron has knowledge of the whole of Wikipedia, 63 million English news...

Tencent Cloud unveils three world-class AI chips

AI Chips

Tencent Cloud claims to have developed three world-class AI chips that substantially outperform rivals, although details at this point are scarce.

The third largest cloud services company in China, following Alibaba and Huawei, Tencent recently revealed the three chips at its 2021 Digital Ecology Conference.

Current information on the three chips can be summarised as follows:

Zixiao – an “AI reasoning” chip that supposedly offers 100 percent better...

DeepMind sees revenue jump and turns first ever profit

Chess Game

DeepMind, the Alphabet-owned AI research lab, has turned a profit for the first time since the company was founded in 2010.

The London-based firm recorded a profit of £43.8 million in 2020 with revenue at £826 million, according to its annual results filing with Companies House.

In previous years, DeepMind have posted losses well into the hundreds of millions that Alphabet has heavily subsidised. For example, the company lost £476 million in 2019 and has made...

MEPs back AI mass surveillance ban for the EU

MEPs from the European Parliament have adopted a resolution in favour of banning AI-powered mass surveillance and facial recognition in public spaces.

With a 71 vote majority, MEPs sided with Petar Vitanov’s report that argued AI must not be allowed to encroach on fundamental rights.

An S&D party member, Vitanov pointed out that AI has not yet proven to be a wholly reliable tool on its own.

He cited examples of individuals being denied social benefits...

AI provides imaging solution for the Moon’s shadowy craters

The Moon

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany have published a paper highlighting their AI solution for imaging the Moon’s shadowed craters.

HORUS (Hyper-effective nOise Removal U-net Software) is a machine learning algorithm that enables these dark craters to be mapped out at far higher resolutions than ever before.

The software uses more than 70,000 calibration images taken on the dark side of the Moon by NASA’s Lunar...

Rishabh Mehrotra, research lead, Spotify: Multi-stakeholder thinking with AI

AI & Big Data Expo Speaker

Streaming behemoth Spotify hosts more than seventy million songs and close to three million podcast titles on its platform.

Delivering this without artificial intelligence (AI) would be comparable to traversing the Amazon rainforest armed with nothing but a spoon.

To cut - or scoop - through this jungle of music, Spotify's research team deploy hundreds of machine learning models that improve the user experience, all the while trying to balance the needs of users and...