Google no longer accepts deepfake projects on Colab

Google has added “creating deepfakes” to its list of projects that are banned from its Colab service.

Colab is a product from Google Research that enables AI researchers, data scientists, or students to write and execute Python in their browsers.

With little fanfare, Google added deepfakes to its list of banned projects.

Deepfakes use generative neural network architectures – such as autoencoders or generative adversarial networks (GANs) – to manipulate...

Apple’s former ML director reportedly joins Google DeepMind

A machine learning exec who left Apple due to its return-to-office policy has reportedly joined Google DeepMind. 

Ian Goodfellow is a renowned machine learning researcher. Goodfellow invented generative adversarial networks (GANs), developed a system for Google Maps that transcribes addresses from Street View car photos, and more.

In a departure note to his team at Apple, Goodfellow cited the company’s much-criticised lack of flexibility in its work...

MIT researchers develop AI to calculate material stress using images

Researchers from MIT have developed an AI tool for determining the stress a material is under through analysing images.

The pesky laws of physics have been used by engineers for centuries to work out – using complex equations – the stresses the materials they’re working with are being put under. It’s a time-consuming but vital task to prevent structural failures which could be costly at best or cause loss of life at worst.

“Many generations of mathematicians...

Researchers find systems to counter deepfakes can be deceived

Researchers have found that systems designed to counter the increasing prevalence of deepfakes can be deceived.

The researchers, from the University of California - San Diego, first presented their findings at the WACV 2021 conference.

Shehzeen Hussain, a UC San Diego computer engineering PhD student and co-author on the paper, said:

"Our work shows that attacks on deepfake detectors could be a real-world threat.

More alarmingly, we demonstrate that it's...

NVIDIA breakthrough emulates images from small datasets for groundbreaking AI training

NVIDIA’s latest breakthrough emulates new images from existing small datasets with truly groundbreaking potential for AI training.

The company demonstrated its latest AI model using a small dataset – just a fraction of the size typically used for a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) – of artwork from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

From the dataset, NVIDIA’s AI was able to create new images which replicate the style of the original artist’s work. These images...

Deepfake app puts your face on GIFs while limiting data collection

deepfake doublicat face swap gif ai artificial intelligence

A new app called Doublicat allows users to superimpose their face into popular GIFs using deep learning technology.

In the name of research, here's one I made earlier:

Doublicat uses a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to do its magic. The GAN is called RefaceAI and is developed by a company of the same name.

RefaceAI was previously used in a face swapping app called Reflect. Elon Musk once used Reflect to put his face on Dwayne Johnson's...

Amazon makes three major AI announcements during re:Invent 2019

amazon aws reinvent 2019 ai artificial intelligence machine learning kubernetes

Amazon has kicked off its annual re:Invent conference in Las Vegas and made three major AI announcements.

During a midnight keynote, Amazon unveiled Transcribe Medical, SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, and DeepComposer.

Transcribe Medical

The first announcement we'll be talking about is likely to have the biggest impact on people's lives soonest.

Transcribe Medical is designed to transcribe medical speech for primary care. The feature is aware of...