Editorial: Our predictions for the AI industry in 2022

The AI industry continued to thrive this year as companies sought ways to support business continuity through rapidly-changing situations. For those already invested, many are now doubling-down after reaping the benefits.

As we wrap up the year, it’s time to look ahead at what to expect from the AI industry in 2022.

Tackling bias

Our ‘Ethics & Society’ category got more use than most others this year, and with good reason. AI cannot thrive when it’s...

Opinion: 2022 predictions for the AI industry

In the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning, corporate giants have traditionally dominated the market, including big names such as Amazon, Google, and IBM. However, with COVID changing customer needs and accelerating digital transformation, this is no longer the case. Specialist AI startups are now beginning to take over and assist companies in delivering more precise, efficient, and more accurate results.  

From companies shifting their existing AI focus to...