Humans struggle to distinguish between real and AI-generated faces

According to a new paper, AI-generated faces have become so advanced that humans now cannot distinguish between real and fake more often than not.

“Our evaluation of the photorealism of AI-synthesized faces indicates that synthesis engines have passed through the uncanny valley and are capable of creating faces that are indistinguishable—and more trustworthy—than real faces,” the researchers explained.

The researchers – Sophie J. Nightingale, Department of...

Why AI needs human intervention

In today’s tight labour market and hybrid work environment, organizations are increasingly turning to AI to support various functions within their business, from delivering more personalized experiences to improving operations and productivity to helping organizations make better and faster decisions. That is why the worldwide market for AI software, hardware, and services is expected to surpass $500 billion by 2024, according to IDC.

Yet, many enterprises aren’t ready to have...

BT uses epidemiological modelling for new cyberattack-fighting AI

BT is deploying an AI trained on epidemiological modelling to fight the increasing risk of cyberattacks.

The first mathematical epidemic model was formulated and solved by Daniel Bernoulli in 1760 to evaluate the effectiveness of variolation of healthy people with the smallpox virus. More recently, such models have guided COVID-19 responses to keep the health and economic damage from the pandemic as minimal as possible.

Now security researchers from BT Labs in Suffolk...

Rishabh Mehrotra, research lead, Spotify: Multi-stakeholder thinking with AI

AI & Big Data Expo Speaker

Streaming behemoth Spotify hosts more than seventy million songs and close to three million podcast titles on its platform.

Delivering this without artificial intelligence (AI) would be comparable to traversing the Amazon rainforest armed with nothing but a spoon.

To cut - or scoop - through this jungle of music, Spotify's research team deploy hundreds of machine learning models that improve the user experience, all the while trying to balance the needs of users and...

OpenAI’s latest model can summarise those tl;dr books

OpenAI has unveiled a new model that tests scalable alignment techniques by summarising those tl;dr (too long; didn’t read) books.

The model works by first summarising small sections of a book before summarising those summaries into a higher-level summary. It carries on this way – hence being a great scalable alignment test – to summarise as little or as much as desired.

You can view the complete steps on OpenAI’s website but here’s an example of where you can...

Janine Lloyd-Jones, Faculty: On the ethical considerations of AI and ensuring it’s a tool for positive change

The benefits of AI are becoming increasingly clear as deployments ramp up, but fully considering the technology’s impact must remain a priority to build public trust.

AI News caught up with Janine Lloyd-Jones, director of marketing and communication at Faculty, to discuss how the benefits of AI can be unlocked while ensuring deployments remain a tool for positive change.

AI News: What are the constraints, ethical considerations, and potential for deep reinforcement...

Do you even AI, bro? OpenAI Safety Gym enhances reinforcement learning

Elon Musk-founded OpenAI has opened the doors of its "Safety Gym" designed to enhance the training of reinforcement learning agents.

OpenAI describes Safety Gym as "a suite of environments and tools for measuring progress towards reinforcement learning agents that respect safety constraints while training."

Basically, Safety Gym is the software equivalent of your spotter making sure you're not going to injure yourself. And just like a good spotter, it will check your...

AI enables ‘hybrid drones’ with the attributes of both planes and helicopters

Researchers have developed an AI system enabling ‘hybrid drones’ which combine the attributes of both planes and helicopters.

The propeller-forward designs of most drones are inefficient and reduce flight time. Researchers from MIT, Dartmouth, and the University of Washington have proposed a new hybrid design which aims to combine the perks of both helicopters and fixed-wing planes.

In order to support the new design, a new AI system was developed to switch between...

Uber’s AI beats troublesome games with new type of reinforcement learning

Video games have become a proving ground for AIs and Uber has shown how its new type of reinforcement learning has succeeded where others have failed. Some of mankind’s most complex games, like Go, have failed to challenge AIs from the likes of DeepMind. Reinforcement learning trains algorithms by running scenarios repeatedly with a ‘reward’ given for successes, often a score increase. Two classic games from the 80s – Montezuma’s Revenge and Pitfall! – have thus far been immune to...

Google improves AI model training by open-sourcing framework

Google is helping researchers seeking to train AI models by open-sourcing a reinforcement learning framework used for its own projects. Reinforcement learning has been used for some of the most impressive AI demonstrations thus far, including those which beat human professional gamers at Alpha Go and Dota 2. Google subsidiary DeepMind uses it for its Deep Q-Network (DQN). Building a reinforcement learning framework takes both time and significant resources. For AI to reach its full potential,...