NCSC: Chatbot ‘prompt injection’ attacks pose growing security risk

The UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has issued a stark warning about the increasing vulnerability of chatbots to manipulation by hackers, leading to potentially serious real-world consequences.

The alert comes as concerns rise over the practice of "prompt injection" attacks, where individuals deliberately create input or prompts designed to manipulate the behaviour of language models that underpin chatbots.

Chatbots have become integral in various applications...

Meta bets on AI chatbots to retain users

Meta is planning to release AI chatbots that possess human-like personalities, a move aimed at enhancing user retention efforts.

Insiders familiar with the matter revealed that prototypes of these advanced chatbots have been under development, with the final products capable of engaging in discussions with users on a human level. The diverse range of chatbots will showcase various personalities and are expected to be rolled out as early as next month.

Referred to as...

Bill Gates: AI will be teaching kids literacy within 18 months

AI chatbots could be used to improve children’s reading and writing skills within the next 18 months, according to Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

In a fireside chat at the ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego, Gates explained that the “AIs will get to that ability, to be as good a tutor as any human ever could.”

AI chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard have developed rapidly in recent months and can now compete with human-level intelligence on some...

Omdia: The chatbot market will remain healthily diverse

Omdia analysts have assessed that the chatbot market will remain “served by a robust, diverse ecosystem of vendors”.

The report highlights that it’s contrary to the assessment of vendor assessments and traditional technology market trends.

Mark Beccue, Principal Analyst at Omdia, commented:

“There are several reasons for a robust chatbot solutions market.

One, there is persistent market demand for solutions which address a broad spectrum of...

Why AI needs human intervention

In today’s tight labour market and hybrid work environment, organizations are increasingly turning to AI to support various functions within their business, from delivering more personalized experiences to improving operations and productivity to helping organizations make better and faster decisions. That is why the worldwide market for AI software, hardware, and services is expected to surpass $500 billion by 2024, according to IDC.

Yet, many enterprises aren’t ready to have...

Editorial: Our predictions for the AI industry in 2022

The AI industry continued to thrive this year as companies sought ways to support business continuity through rapidly-changing situations. For those already invested, many are now doubling-down after reaping the benefits.

As we wrap up the year, it’s time to look ahead at what to expect from the AI industry in 2022.

Tackling bias

Our ‘Ethics & Society’ category got more use than most others this year, and with good reason. AI cannot thrive when it’s...

Stefano Somenzi, Athics: On no-code AI and deploying conversational bots

No-code AI solutions are helping more businesses to get started on their AI journeys than ever. Athics, through its platform for deploying conversational bots, knows a thing or two about the topic.

AI News caught up with Stefano Somenzi, CTO at Athics, to get his thoughts on no-code AI and the development of virtual agents.

AI News: Do you think “no-code” will help more businesses to begin their AI journeys?

Stefano Somenzi: The real...

IBM study highlights rapid uptake and satisfaction with AI chatbots

A study by IBM released this week highlights the rapid uptake of AI chatbots in addition to increasing customer satisfaction.

Most of us are hardwired to hate not speaking directly to a human when we have a problem—following years of irritating voicemail systems. However, perhaps the only thing worse is being on hold for an uncertain amount of time due to overwhelmed call centres.

Chatbots have come a long way and can now quickly handle most queries within minutes....

Experts warn AI poses a ‘clear and present danger’

A report by leading experts calls on governments and businesses to address the “clear and present danger” posed by unregulated AI. The foreboding report is titled ‘The Malicious Use Of Artificial Intelligence’ and was co-authored by experts from Oxford University, The Centre For The Study of Existential Risk, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and more. Three primary areas of risk were identified: Digital security — The risk of AI being used for increasing the scale and efficiency...