GitLab: Developers view AI as ‘essential’ despite concerns

A survey by GitLab has shed light on the views of developers on the landscape of AI in software development.

The report, titled ‘The State of AI in Software Development,’ presents insights from over 1,000 global senior technology executives, developers, and security and operations professionals.

The report reveals a complex relationship between enthusiasm for AI adoption and concerns about data privacy, intellectual property, and security.


State of AI 2022: Adoption plateaus but leaders increase gap

According to McKinsey’s latest State of AI report, leaders are pulling ahead but overall adoption is plateauing.

McKinsey notes that organisations that report using AI in at least one business area have more than doubled since 2017.

The most significant jump in adoption was between 2017 (20%) and 2018 (47%). A peak was reached in 2019 (58%) but has since tailed off to 50% in 2022.

Considering the plateau includes the pandemic years – when businesses were...