Cyber Security & Cloud Expo: The alarming potential of AI-powered cybercrime

In a packed session at Cyber Security & Cloud Expo Europe, Raviv Raz, Cloud Security Manager at ING, turned the spotlight away from traditional security threats and delved into the world of AI-powered cybercrime.

Raz shared insights from his extensive career, including his tenure as technical director for a web application firewall company. This role exposed him to the rise of the "Cyber Dragon" and Chinese cyberattacks, inspiring him to explore the offensive side of...

Microsoft wants AI to predict when a PC is going to be infected

Microsoft wants to harness AI's incredible prediction abilities to detect PC malware attacks before they even happen. The company has sponsored a competition on Kaggle which challenges data scientists to create models which predict if a device is likely to become infected with malware given a current machine state. In a blog post, Microsoft wrote:

“The competition provides academics and researchers with varied backgrounds a fresh opportunity to work on a...