Cyber Security & Cloud Expo: The alarming potential of AI-powered cybercrime

In a packed session at Cyber Security & Cloud Expo Europe, Raviv Raz, Cloud Security Manager at ING, turned the spotlight away from traditional security threats and delved into the world of AI-powered cybercrime.

Raz shared insights from his extensive career, including his tenure as technical director for a web application firewall company. This role exposed him to the rise of the "Cyber Dragon" and Chinese cyberattacks, inspiring him to explore the offensive side of...

NCSC: Chatbot ‘prompt injection’ attacks pose growing security risk

The UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has issued a stark warning about the increasing vulnerability of chatbots to manipulation by hackers, leading to potentially serious real-world consequences.

The alert comes as concerns rise over the practice of "prompt injection" attacks, where individuals deliberately create input or prompts designed to manipulate the behaviour of language models that underpin chatbots.

Chatbots have become integral in various applications...

FBI director warns about Beijing’s AI program

FBI Director Christopher Wray has warned about the national security threat posed by Beijing’s AI program.

During a panel at the World Economic Forum, Wray explained that Beijing’s AI program “is not constrained by the rule of law”.

Wray says Beijing has “a bigger hacking program than any other nation” and will use machine learning to further boost the capabilities of its state-sponsored hackers.

Much like nuclear expertise, AI can be used to...

BT uses epidemiological modelling for new cyberattack-fighting AI

BT is deploying an AI trained on epidemiological modelling to fight the increasing risk of cyberattacks.

The first mathematical epidemic model was formulated and solved by Daniel Bernoulli in 1760 to evaluate the effectiveness of variolation of healthy people with the smallpox virus. More recently, such models have guided COVID-19 responses to keep the health and economic damage from the pandemic as minimal as possible.

Now security researchers from BT Labs in Suffolk...

Experts believe AI will be weaponised in the next 12 months – attacks unslowed by dark web shutdowns

The majority of cybersecurity experts believe AI will be weaponised for use in cyberattacks within the next 12 months, and the shutting down of dark web markets will not decrease malware activity. Cylance posted the results of their survey of Black Hat USA 2017 attendees yesterday, and 62 percent of the infosec experts believe cyberattacks will become far more advanced over the course of the next year due to artificial intelligence. Interestingly, 32 percent said there wasn’t a chance...