JPMorgan CEO: AI will be used for ‘every single process’

In a recent Bloomberg interview, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon unveiled his AI-driven vision for the financial industry.

Dimon expressed his belief that AI has the potential to revolutionise every aspect of JPMorgan’s operations, from trading and hedging to research and error detection. He described AI as a "living, breathing thing," capable of transforming traditional processes and augmenting human...

Universities want to ensure staff and students are ‘AI-literate’

In a joint statement published today, the 24 Vice Chancellors of the Russell Group of universities have pledged their commitment to ensuring the ethical and responsible use of generative AI and new technologies like ChatGPT.

Universities are increasingly recognising the importance of equipping their students and staff with AI literacy skills to leverage the opportunities presented by technological advancements in teaching and learning. 

Sheila Flavell CBE, Chief...

Research finds 1.4 million UK jobs could be automated this year

According to a Faethm AI forecast, over 1.4 million jobs in the UK could be replaced by automation this year alone.

Faethm’s mission is to prepare the world “for the future of work” by using an AI engine – trained on billions of workforce data points – to predict what jobs need reskilling versus upskilling.

James McLeod, VP of the EMEA region at Faethm, said

“Employers and employees alike need to change their perspective. The future of work is...

Learning the lessons of the past to fast-forward to the future of work

If you take a keen interest in technology and the economy, you may well have come across the term ‘fourth industrial revolution’ recently. This moniker has become a common label for the current period in which intelligent technologies such as AI, automation and robotics are becoming commonplace in our daily lives, and completely changing the nature of work. It’s not always clear, however, why it is described in this way, so let’s turn to the history books to find the...

Gartner: AI will drive business value by supporting human decisions

gartner ai artificial intelligence business value human decisions workforce jobs

Gartner estimates that AI won't replace the workforce but instead will help to drive business value by supporting human decisions.

The use of AI to increase productivity rather than replace human workers will help to quell some fears around the adoption of artificial intelligence.

Svetlana Sicular, Research Vice President at Gartner, said:

“Augmented intelligence is all about people taking advantage of AI.

As AI technology evolves, the combined human...