Bob Briski, DEPT®:  A dive into the future of AI-powered experiences

AI News caught up with Bob Briski, CTO of DEPT®, to discuss the intricate fusion of creativity and technology that promises a new era in digital experiences.

At the core of DEPT®'s approach is the strategic utilisation of large language models. Briski articulated the delicate balance between the 'pioneering' and 'boutique' ethos encapsulated in their tagline, "pioneering work on a global scale with a boutique culture."

While 'pioneering' and 'boutique' evokes...

Bill Gates calls AI ‘quite revolutionary’ – but is less sure about the metaverse

Bill Gates has given his verdict on some of tech’s biggest buzzwords – and proffered that while the metaverse is lukewarm, AI is ‘quite revolutionary.’ 

The Microsoft co-founder was participating in his annual Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session and was asked about major technology shifts. AI, Gates noted, was in his opinion ‘the big one.’ 

“I don’t think Web3 was that big or that metaverse stuff alone was revolutionary, but AI is quite...

Inworld closes $50M Series A for its realistic NPC generator

Inworld, a Disney-backed startup using AI to create realistic non-playable virtual characters (NPCs), has closed a $50 million Series A funding round.

The startup has attracted interest for its ability to design and deploy interactive characters with more realistic interactions across the metaverse and other virtual words like video games.

In current video games, NPCs have pre-scripted responses. AI-powered virtual characters like those Inworld are developing can offer...

Meta’s NLLB-200 AI model improves translation quality by 44%

Meta has unveiled a new AI model called NLLB-200 that can translate 200 languages and improves quality by an average of 44 percent. 

Translation apps have been fairly adept at the most popular languages for some time. Even when they don’t offer a perfect translation, it’s normally close enough for the native speaker to understand.

However, there are hundreds of millions of people in regions with many languages – like Africa and Asia – that still suffer from poor...

Deloitte launches Unlimited Reality to help businesses create AI-powered virtual worlds

Deloitte has launched Unlimited Reality, a new offering that helps clients harness emerging technologies like AI to create engaging virtual worlds as part of the metaverse.

The term “metaverse” was first coined in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash but interest has skyrocketed in recent years. Long-term, the metaverse is expected to essentially be a new version of the web—a network of interconnected virtual worlds that can even combine elements of the real...

AR overtakes AI as the ‘most disruptive’ emerging technology

A new report from GlobalData finds that professionals now believe AR will disrupt their industry more than AI.

70 percent of the 2,341 respondents across 30 business sectors picked AR as disrupting their industry most out of a selection of seven emerging technologies: AI, cybersecurity, cloud computing, IoT, blockchain, and 5G.

Filipe Oliveira, Senior Analyst at GlobalData, commented: “This change in how people see AR will likely be long term, and not just a temporary...