Assessing the risks of generative AI in the workplace

Amid the exponential growth of generative AI, there is a pressing need to evaluate the legal, ethical, and security implications of these solutions in the workplace.

One of the concerns highlighted by industry experts is often the lack of transparency regarding the data on which many generative AI models are trained.

There is insufficient information about the specifics of the training data used for models like GPT-4, which powers applications such as ChatGPT. This lack...

Stephen Almond, ICO: Prioritise privacy when adopting generative AI

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is urging businesses to prioritise privacy considerations when adopting generative AI technology.

According to new research, generative AI has the potential to become a £1 trillion market within the next ten years, offering significant benefits to both businesses and society. However, the ICO emphasises the need for organisations to be aware of the associated privacy risks.

Stephen Almond, the Executive Director of Regulatory...

AI leaders warn about ‘risk of extinction’ in open letter

The Center for AI Safety (CAIS) recently issued a statement signed by prominent figures in AI warning about the potential risks posed by the technology to humanity.

“Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war,” reads the statement.

Signatories of the statement include renowned researchers and Turing Award winners like Geoffery Hinton and Yoshua Bengio, as well as...

OpenAI CEO: AI regulation ‘is essential’

sam altman senate committee ai regulation artificial intelligence openai

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testified in front of a Senate judiciary committee panel and emphasised the importance of regulating AI.

Altman highlighted the potential benefits of AI technologies like ChatGPT and Dall-E 2 to help address significant challenges such as climate change and cancer, but he also stressed the need to mitigate the risks associated with increasingly powerful AI models.

Altman proposed that governments consider implementing licensing and testing...

EU committees green-light the AI Act

The Internal Market Committee and the Civil Liberties Committee of the European Parliament have endorsed new transparency and risk-management rules for artificial intelligence systems known as the AI Act.

This marks a major step in the development of AI regulation in Europe, as these are the first-ever rules for AI. The rules aim to ensure that AI systems are safe, transparent, traceable, and non-discriminatory.

After the vote, co-rapporteur Brando Benifei (S&D,...

FTC Chairwoman: There is no ‘AI exemption’ to existing laws

FTC Chairwoman Lina Khan has warned that the US government will not hesitate to clamp down on harmful business practices involving AI.

Speaking at a virtual press event, Khan was joined by top officials from US consumer protection and civil rights agencies.

Together, the officials emphasised that regulators are committed to tracking and stopping any illegal behaviour associated with biased or deceptive AI tools.

Khan warned that, in addition to the...

​​Italy will lift ChatGPT ban if OpenAI fixes privacy issues

Italy’s data protection authority has said that it’s willing to lift its ChatGPT ban if OpenAI meets specific conditions.

The Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (GPDP) announced last month that it was blocking access to OpenAI's ChatGPT. The move was part of an ongoing investigation into whether the chatbot violated Italy's data privacy laws and the EU's infamous General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The GPDP was concerned that ChatGPT could recall...

AI think tank calls GPT-4 a risk to public safety

An AI think tank has filed a complaint with the FTC in a bid to stop OpenAI from further commercial deployments of GPT-4.

The Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy (CAIDP) claims OpenAI has violated section five of the FTC Act—alleging the company of deceptive and unfair practices.

Marc Rotenberg, Founder and President of the CAIDP, said:

“The FTC has a clear responsibility to investigate and prohibit unfair and deceptive trade practices....

UK details ‘pro-innovation’ approach to AI regulation

The UK government has unveiled a new regulatory framework for AI, aimed at promoting innovation while maintaining public trust.

Michelle Donelan, Science, Innovation, and Technology Secretary, said: “AI has the potential to make Britain a smarter, healthier and happier place to live and work. Artificial intelligence is no longer the stuff of science fiction, and the pace of AI development is staggering, so we need to have rules to make sure it is developed...

Clearview AI used by US police for almost 1M searches

Facial recognition firm Clearview AI has revealed that it has run almost a million searches for US police.

Facial recognition technology is a controversial topic, and for good reason. Clearview AI's technology allows law enforcement to upload a photo of a suspect's face and find matches in a database of billions of images it has collected.

Clearview AI CEO Hoan Ton-That disclosed in an interview with the BBC that the firm has scraped 30 billion images from platforms such...