Fujitsu develops AI to detect product abnormalities during manufacturing

Fujitsu has developed an AI which can highlight abnormalities in the appearance of products to help detect issues earlier.

Catching problems during production enables intervention before materials are wasted—incurring direct and environmental costs. It also saves on the reputational damage and costs associated with returns/recalls after a defective product is shipped to customers.

The solution uses an AI model trained on images of products with abnormalities. These...

Bosch partners with to ‘transform’ digital ecosystems using DLTs

Bosch has partnered with Cambridge-based AI blockchain startup with the aim of transforming existing digital ecosystems using distributed ledger technologies (DLTs).

The global engineering giant will test key features of’s testnet until the end of this month and will deploy a node on the network. The strategic engineering project between and Bosch is called the Economy of Things (EoT).

Dr Alexander Poddey, the leading researcher for digital... partners with FESTO on decentralised manufacturing marketplace

AI blockchain startup is partnering with industry veteran FESTO to launch a decentralised marketplace for manufacturing. is based in Cambridge, UK and has built an impressive team of talent with experience from DeepMind, Siemens, Sony, and a number of esteemed academic institutions. The company is working on decentralised autonomous “agents” which perform real-world tasks.

FESTO was founded in 1925 and currently produces and sells pneumatic and...

Pepper the robot will testify about AI in front of UK Parliament’s robot Pepper is set to be the first non-human to testify in front of the UK Parliament to give evidence about the fourth industrial revolution. Pepper will be attempting to explain topics such as AI and robotics to The Commons Education Select Committee. "If we've got the march of the robots, we perhaps need the march of the robots to our select committee to give evidence," Committee chair Robert Halfon told Tes. "The fourth industrial revolution is...

AI legend Andrew Ng wants to revolutionise manufacturing with

Andrew Ng co-founded Google Brain and led Baidu’s AI group, and now he’s launching a startup initially focused on using AI to revolutionise manufacturing. The new startup,, chose this industry to begin with as “it is through manufacturing that human creativity goes beyond pixels on a display to become physical objects. By bringing AI to manufacturing, we will deliver a digital transformation to the physical world.” Ng believes AI technology is well suited to addressing...