Q&A: Netra.ai uses Intel technologies to identify diabetic retinopathy

Netra.ai, a solution developed by Leben Care and the Sankara Eye Foundation, is using Intel technologies to identify diabetic retinopathy in minutes.

India has one of the largest diabetic populations in the world with around 65 million people suffering from the disease. Eye damage caused by diabetes, known as diabetic retinopathy (DR), is estimated will affect around one-third of sufferers.

Dr. Kaushik Murali, President Medical Administration, Quality & Education at...

DeepMind’s first commercial product diagnoses eye diseases

DeepMind is preparing to launch its first commercial product and it aims to aid the diagnosis of complex eye diseases.

The renowned Cambridge-based artificial intelligence experts hope their product will become parent company Alphabet’s first medical device.

In a live demonstration, a patient had a retinal scan performed on her eye. DeepMind’s system was able to provide a diagnosis and ‘urgency score’ in just 30 seconds.

The ability to perform such a...