What will AI regulation look like for businesses?

Unlike food, medicine, and cars, we have yet to see clear regulations or laws to guide AI design in the US. Without standard guidelines, companies that design and develop ML models have historically worked off of their own perceptions of right and wrong. 

This is about to change. 

As the EU finalizes its AI Act and generative AI continues to rapidly evolve, we will see the artificial intelligence regulatory landscape shift from general, suggested frameworks to more...

Straight from AI & Big Data Expo: Generating business value with AI

If you ask ten different data practitioners to define AI, you’ll get ten different answers. In its simplest form, AI is software that recognizes and reacts to complex patterns—but the way in which businesses derive value from those patterns can vary drastically. 

In recent years, we’ve seen a number of incredible AI applications in healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and beyond. So, why is it that up to 92% of AI projects still fail to yield business...