State of AI 2022: Adoption plateaus but leaders increase gap

According to McKinsey’s latest State of AI report, leaders are pulling ahead but overall adoption is plateauing.

McKinsey notes that organisations that report using AI in at least one business area have more than doubled since 2017.

The most significant jump in adoption was between 2017 (20%) and 2018 (47%). A peak was reached in 2019 (58%) but has since tailed off to 50% in 2022.

Considering the plateau includes the pandemic years – when businesses were...

Cognizant: A “vicious cycle” is holding AI deployments back

A new study from Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work has found that a “vicious cycle” is holding AI deployments back, with just 20 percent considered leaders that are powering ahead.

Few businesses are at the top of the “AI maturity curve,” according to Cognizant’s framework. Just 20 percent are considered AI leaders while the majority (61%) are “implementers” (defined as making progress, but not yet mature) or beginners (19%).

Respondents in the...

Research: Enterprises and consumers want to increase AI adoption

New research from Juniper Networks has found a growing appetite from both enterprises and consumers to use AI technologies.

Juniper surveyed 700 global IT decision-makers for its research and found that most (67%) executives have AI as a top strategic priority for 2021.

95 percent of the respondents believe their organisation would benefit from increasing the use of AI in their daily operations. 82 percent claim it makes employees more productive and 74 percent say it...

State of ModelOps: 90% expect a dedicated budget within 12 months, 80% say risk-management is a key AI barrier

The first annual State of ModelOps report highlights some interesting trends about the real-world adoption of AI in enterprises.

Independent research firm Corinium Intelligence conducted the study on behalf of ModelOp and aims to summarise the state of model operationalisation today.

Stu Bailey, Co-Founder and Chief Enterprise AI Architect at ModelOp, said:

“As the report shows, enterprises increasingly view ModelOps as the key to ensuring operational...

CDEI: Public believes tech isn’t being fully utilised to tackle pandemic, greater use depends on governance trust

Research from the UK government’s Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) has found the public believes technology isn’t being fully utilised to tackle the pandemic, but greater use requires trust in how it is governed.

CDEI advises the government on the responsible use of AI and data-driven technologies. Between June and December 2020, the advisory body polled over 12,000 people to gauge sentiment around how such technologies are being used.

Edwina Dunn, Deputy...

AI dominates Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle for emerging technologies

Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle has a distinct AI flavour, highlighting the technology's importance over the next decade.

Of the 30 emerging technologies featured in Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle, nine are directly related to artificial intelligence:

Generative adversarial networksAdaptive machine learningComposite AIGenerative AIResponsible AIAI-augmented developmentEmbedded AIExplainable AIAI-augmented design

Most of the AI technologies are currently in the initial...

Musk predicts AI will be superior to humans within five years

Elon Musk has made another of his trademark predictions – this time, it’s that AI will be superior to humans within five years.

Musk has been among the most vocal prominent figures in warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence. In 2018, for example, Musk famously warned that AI could become “an immortal dictator from which we would never escape” and that the technology is more dangerous than nuclear weapons.

Speaking in a New York Times interview, Musk...

UK releases guidelines to help governments accelerate ‘trusted’ AI deployments

The UK has released new guidelines during the World Economic Forum (WEF) to help governments accelerate the deployment of trusted AI solutions.

AI is proving itself to be an important tool in tackling some of the biggest issues the world faces today; including coronavirus and climate change. However, some public distrust remains.

“The current pandemic has shown us more needs to be done to speed up the adoption of trusted AI around the world,” said Kay...

GE Healthcare’s new initiative aims to boost AI adoption by health providers

babylon health ai doctor safety gp at hand artificial intelligence

GE Healthcare launched its Edison Developer Program on Tuesday, an initiative aimed at boosting the adoption of AI by health providers.

Edison is an AI platform launched last year to help with leveraging data from imaging devices.

Kieran Murphy, President and CEO at GE Healthcare, says:

“We introduced Edison just one year ago at RSNA to help health providers take advantage of data in new and significant ways.

With the introduction of the Edison...

ABI Research: USA reclaims the top spot from China for AI investments

usa china abi research ai artificial intelligence top investments

A year after China overtook the USA as the number one country for AI investments, the Americans have reclaimed pole position.

According to figures published by ABI Research, the United States received 52.3 percent of global AI investments in 2018.

In 2018, investments in US-based AI technologies reached a total of $9.7 billion. This represents a staggering 120 percent year-on-year growth.

Huge AI investments from companies such as Zoox, Cruise Automation,...