Omdia: AI chip startups to have a tough year

Analysts from Omdia expect AI chip startups to have a difficult year.

Omdia’s Top AI Hardware Startups Market Radar finds that over 100 venture capitalists invested over $6 billion into the top 25 AI chip startups since 2018. However, it seems the good times weren’t to last.

The global chip shortage is becoming an inventory crisis. Meanwhile, the economic downturn and difficult monetary policies have made it difficult to raise funding.

“The best-funded AI...

Omdia: The chatbot market will remain healthily diverse

Omdia analysts have assessed that the chatbot market will remain “served by a robust, diverse ecosystem of vendors”.

The report highlights that it’s contrary to the assessment of vendor assessments and traditional technology market trends.

Mark Beccue, Principal Analyst at Omdia, commented:

“There are several reasons for a robust chatbot solutions market.

One, there is persistent market demand for solutions which address a broad spectrum of...