Study finds YouTube’s AI serves most of the content users regret viewing

A major crowdsourced study has found that YouTube’s AI is still recommending most of the videos that users regret viewing.

Mozilla launched a study using a crowdsourced army of volunteers that found, of the content the users regretted viewing, 71 percent were recommendations from YouTube’s AI.

Over the years, concerns have been raised that YouTube’s algorithms have promoted videos that range from stupid...

California introduces legislation to stop political and porn deepfakes

Deepfake videos have the potential to do unprecedented amounts of harm so California has introduced two bills designed to limit them.

For those unaware, deepfakes use machine learning technology in order to make a person appear like they’re convincingly doing or saying things which they’re not.

There are two main concerns about deepfake videos:

Personal defamation – An individual is made to appear in a sexual and/or humiliating scene either for blackmail...

Joy Buolamwini: Fighting algorithmic bias needs to be ‘a priority’

Algorithmic Justice League founder Joy Buolamwini gave a speech during the World Economic Forum this week on the need to fight AI bias.

Buolamwini is also an MIT Media Lab researcher and went somewhat viral for her TED Talk in 2016 titled ‘How I’m fighting bias in algorithms’.

Her latest speech included a presentation in which Buolamwini went over an analysis of the current popular facial recognition algorithms.

Here were the overall accuracy results when...