Theresa May: AI is a ‘new weapon’ against cancer

Prime Minister Theresa May will use a speech today in Cheshire to highlight the potential of AI to diagnose cancer earlier. Cancer has a higher successful treatment rate the earlier it’s diagnosed. The later the diagnosis, the greater the risk of death or long-term debilitating effects. In her speech, Mrs May will say:

"Late diagnosis of otherwise treatable illnesses is one of the biggest causes of avoidable deaths.


Nvidia, GE Healthcare, and Nuance harness AI to improve radiology

Nvidia, GE Healthcare, and Nuance have teamed up to harness the power of AI in a bid to improve the vital area of medical imaging. Medical imaging is so important because it offers a way to pick up and detect problems as early as possible without intrusive methods. GE Healthcare and Nuance have chosen to partner with Nvidia for use of their deep learning platform. Kimberly Powell, Vice President of Healthcare at NVIDIA, said: “Medical imaging is an essential tool for delivering the best...