DeepMind co-founder moves to Google to work on AI policy

mustafa suleyman deepmind google ai artificial intelligence policy cofounder

DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman has announced he's making the full jump to Google to work on AI policy at the company.

Google acquired DeepMind for $400 million in 2014 and the firm became a subsidiary of Google's parent company Alphabet in 2015.

Suleyman co-founded DeepMind and originally became its chief product officer. After Google's acquisition in 2014, Suleyman became DeepMind’s head of applied AI.

In a tweet, Suleyman announced he's now moving to...

CBI: UK tech dominance is ‘at risk’ due to public mistrust of AI

cbi uk ai distrust artificial intelligence report

Business industry group the CBI has warned that UK tech dominance is 'at risk' due to public mistrust of AI.

In a report today, the CBI warns artificial intelligence companies of the need to ensure they're approaching the technology in an ethical manner to help build trust.

Among the measures suggested to achieve trust include ensuring customers know how their data is being used by AI, what decisions are being taken, and challenging unfair biases.

Overall, the...

AI Expo Global: Fairness and safety in artificial intelligence

AI News sat down with Faculty's head of research Ilya Feige to discuss safe and fair practices in artificial intelligence development.

Feige had just finished giving a talk entitled ‘Fairness in AI: Latest developments in AI safety’ at this year's AI Expo Global. We managed to grab him to get more of his thoughts on the issue.

Rightfully, people are becoming increasingly concerned about unfair and unsafe AIs. Human biases are seeping into algorithms which poses a...

#MWC19: AI requires innovation, values, and trust

During an MWC keynote, a range of experts and policymakers explained the keywords they believe are behind ensuring responsible AI deployments.

The keynote featured IBM’s SVP of Global Business Services, Mark Foster; the EU’s Digital Economy and Society Commissioner, Mariya Gabriel; and the Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Angel Gurria.

Foster opened the session with a foreboding tone: “What we want to talk about is...

White House will take a ‘hands-off’ approach to AI regulation

The White House has decided it will take a ‘hands-off’ approach to AI regulation despite many experts calling for safe and ethical standards to be set. Some of the world’s greatest minds have expressed concern about the development of AI without regulations — including the likes of Elon Musk, and the late Stephen Hawking. Musk famously said unregulated AI could post “the biggest risk we face as a civilisation”, while Hawking similarly warned “the development of full...

House of Lords: The UK can lead in AI by putting ethics first

uk house of lords ai ethics report

A report published today by the House of Lords reveals the current outlook for AI in the United Kingdom and suggests practical measures to secure its place as a global leader. While the world faces a shortage of AI talent, the UK’s leading universities produce candidates who are often snapped up quickly. Some of the biggest players in the space invest heavily in UK companies — most notable, perhaps, is Google’s £400 million acquisition of Cambridge-based DeepMind. The Lords’ report...

Mayor of London’s AI study will ensure policies help the city thrive

London’s mayor has commissioned a study to engage with the AI community and ensure policies help the city to become a global hub for the emerging technology. Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, commissioned the specialist AI researchers at CognitionX to undertake the study. The results will be used to form London’s policy towards the AI industry. CognitionX will be looking at four areas in particular: Stimulating adoption and deployment Attracting AI entrepreneurs and businesses to...