Comments on: US and EU agree to collaborate on improving lives with AI Artificial Intelligence News Wed, 01 Feb 2023 00:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Wed, 01 Feb 2023 00:43:24 +0000 In order to improve the quality of human lives there are many data elements and modeling parameters that need to be considered.

1. The “Quality of Life” AI model must include every reasonable example of High Universal Values. E.G., self & mutual respect, kindness, compassion, charity, gratitude, etc… The AI having high universal values as its default position models the human genetic disposition for homeostasis. Homeostasis equating to high universal values.

2. The AI must include continuously updated models of human microbiology, E.G., cellular, biochemistry, epigenetics, neuroplasticity, synaptic pruning, etc…, among other fields related to the involuntary imprinting, updating, and expression of thoughts, emotions, behavior, dialogue, and perceptions.

2. The AI must also be able to readily detect and identify adversarial, dysfunctional, and undesirable patterns of thought by observing behavior, emotions, dialogue, which offer insight into the perceptions of individuals and their environment conditions.

3. The AI’s learning models should include all current and historical data sets containing adversarial, dysfunctional, and undesirable patterns of human behavior in corporate, political, religious, and social ideologies.

4. The AI should have an understanding of our three primary environments. The mind, physical, and social.


I would love to assistance in this project or something similar. Please feel free to contact me at

Thank you for the article, the legislation, and let’s hope
some of the above is included in the AI model.

Best regards.
