Apple aims to simplify AI models with CreateML and Core ML 2

apple coreml createml ai

During its annual WWDC event, Apple announced the launch of its CreateML tool alongside the sequel of its Core ML framework. CreateML aims to simplify the creation of AI models. In fact, because it’s built in Swift, it’s possible to use drag-and-drop programming interfaces like Xcode Playgrounds to train models. Core ML, Apple’s machine learning framework, was first introduced at WWDC last year. This year, the company has focused on making it leaner and meaner. Apple claims Core ML 2...

Apple has poached Google’s AI chief

A mere day after we reported Google’s head of AI was stepping down, it’s emerged Apple has given him a position leading their efforts. John Giannandrea stepped down on Monday but was expected to be staying at Google. He reportedly wanted to be in a position that allowed him to be “more hands-on with technology” than in his previous role. It seems that Apple offered him the opportunity he was looking for. Apple is often regarded in tech circles as trailing Google when it comes to...