Quantum Computing - AI News https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/categories/quantum-computing/ Artificial Intelligence News Thu, 16 Mar 2023 12:32:07 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2020/09/ai-icon-60x60.png Quantum Computing - AI News https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/categories/quantum-computing/ 32 32 Editorial: UK puts AI at the centre of its Budget https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/2023/03/16/editorial-uk-puts-ai-centre-budget/ https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/2023/03/16/editorial-uk-puts-ai-centre-budget/#respond Thu, 16 Mar 2023 12:32:05 +0000 https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/?p=12837 British Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the country’s Spring Budget this week and supporting the AI industry was at the centre. The UK is Europe’s AI leader. Indeed, behind the US and China, the country’s tech sector overall has the third-highest amount of VC investment in the world – more than Germany and France combined –... Read more »

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British Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the country’s Spring Budget this week and supporting the AI industry was at the centre.

The UK is Europe’s AI leader. Indeed, behind the US and China, the country’s tech sector overall has the third-highest amount of VC investment in the world – more than Germany and France combined – and has produced more than double the number of $1 billion tech firms than any other European country.

Gerard Grech, CEO of Tech Nation, said:

“As a nation uniquely positioned between two economic powerhouses, the US and the EU, we must harness innovative regulation that will enable us to propel ourselves as an international hub and leader for AI, quantum computing, and deep tech.

This is a critical step towards creating a distinctive, value-driven tech ecosystem in the UK, setting us apart from other tech hubs.”

To support British startups, an ‘AI Sandbox’ was announced by the chancellor. The sandbox features a number of initiatives designed to encourage AI research and investment.

Among them is a prize pot containing millions of pounds. £1 million will be up for grabs every year over the next decade for the best AI innovations created by teams and individuals.

Ludovico Lugnani, Technology Solicitor at BDB Pitmans, comments:

“Following yesterday’s news of Open AI’s launch of its upgraded GPT-4 chatbot, the Budget’s announcement as to the creation of an AI sandbox offers a promising outlook for the UK to speed up the arrival of AI products to market.

As part of this, particular emphasis should be placed on providing effective guidance as to the implications of copyright law on generative AI applications following the recent claim by Getty Images against Stability AI over breach of copyright.”

Elsewhere, £2.5 billion is being ploughed into advancing quantum computing. The powerful machines will enable a literal “quantum leap” in AI.

“The power that AI’s complex algorithms need can be provided by quantum computing,” the chancellor told the Commons.

£900 million is also being invested to create an exascale supercomputer that will be several times more powerful than the country’s biggest computers and advance not just AI research, but also science, healthcare, defense, weather modelling, and more.

“[The supercomputer] should be a huge boost to the UK’s ability to support cutting-edge research in areas requiring complex modelling and simulations, such as climate change, pharmaceutical development and hi-tech engineering,” commented Nick White, Partner at law firm Charles Russell Speechlys.

Only one exacomputer is currently known to exist. The computer, known as Frontier, is housed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, United States.

Other relevant announcements in the Spring Budget are targeted less at the AI industry specifically but aim to solidify the UK’s ranking as the second-best country after the US to invest and launch a business.

Under the ‘Full Expensing’ plans, companies investing in R&D and IT equipment to boost growth will benefit. Every pound a company spends on new IT equipment and machinery can be deducted in full from taxable profits.

The independent OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility) says the measure will increase business investment by three percent every year. The chancellor has committed to the measure for the next three years but intends to make it permanent “as soon as we can responsibly do so”.

Furthermore, smaller businesses will also have an increased annual investment allowance of up to £1 million. This means that 99 percent of SMEs will be able to deduct the full value of all their investments from taxable profits.

Matt Hammond, Founder of Talk Think Do, said:

“I wholly welcome the tax savings on IT investments, research and development as announced in today’s budget. In recent years, Talk Think Do has benefitted substantially from the R&D relief and as a result, we have been able to reinvest the extra cash directly into hiring sector-leading talent.  

R&D relief has helped to accelerate our expansion by over 750 percent in just four years. We are a successful example of how the relief has encouraged greater innovation in UK businesses and has unlocked significant growth opportunities. Today’s update benefits the economy at large and so I am glad to see this has been considered in the budget.”

The creation of 12 investment zones is set to further boost the UK’s tech credentials and spread opportunity across the country.

Eight have been announced in England and will be around research institutions in the East Midlands, Greater Manchester, Liverpool, North East, South Yorkshire, Tees Valley, West Midlands, and West Yorkshire.

Four more will be in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. These investment zones, based in the UK’s devolved administrations, will be announced by the end of the year.

Rikke Wichmann Bruun, CEO of MRM UK, commented:

“The announcement of investment into technology – including green technology – through the 12 investment zones presents a great opportunity for businesses and brands in the UK.

The ambition to transform Britain into the ‘next Silicon Valley’ also echoes new research conducted by our agency which found that Brits are the most optimistic about technology’s potential, in comparison to other Europeans.”

Cambridge, Oxford, and London – the so-called ‘golden triangle’ – are often seen as Europe’s closest rivals to Silicon Valley. Each city benefits from world-leading universities and research institutions that help to produce innovative startups and address global talent shortages.

The three cities are based in southern England and have historically benefited more from investment compared to the rest of the UK. Other cities – including Edinburgh and Manchester – have attracted increased investment in recent years, but it’s hoped the new zones will close the gap and unlock the potential across every region of the UK.

“Predictions that inflation will fall to 2.9 percent by the end of 2023 will be very welcome and there were a range of measures announced to boost the economy, including 12 new regional investment zones and a new policy to replace the ‘Super Deduction’,” said Stuart Haynes, Corporate and Commercial Partner at law firm Aaron & Partners.

“There are some fantastic tech innovators in this country and it’s pleasing to see the chancellor really get behind this sector to be a catalyst for economic growth.”

(Image Credit: Zara Farrar / HM Treasury under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license)

Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The event is co-located with Digital Transformation Week.

Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.

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£370m plan launched to turn UK into ‘tech superpower’ https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/2023/03/06/370m-plan-launched-to-turn-uk-into-tech-superpower/ https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/2023/03/06/370m-plan-launched-to-turn-uk-into-tech-superpower/#respond Mon, 06 Mar 2023 14:25:11 +0000 https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/?p=12788 The Prime Minister and Technology Secretary have unveiled the Government’s plan to cement the UK’s place as a science and technology superpower by 2030, alongside a raft of new measures backed by over £370 million to boost investment in innovation, bring the world’s best talent to the UK, and seize the potential of ground-breaking new... Read more »

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The Prime Minister and Technology Secretary have unveiled the Government’s plan to cement the UK’s place as a science and technology superpower by 2030, alongside a raft of new measures backed by over £370 million to boost investment in innovation, bring the world’s best talent to the UK, and seize the potential of ground-breaking new technologies like AI.

The new Science and Technology Framework is the first major piece of work from the newly created Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and will challenge every part of government to better put the UK at the forefront of global science and technology this decade through 10 key actions – creating a coordinated cross-government approach.

In doing so, the Government will foster the right conditions for industry innovation and world leading scientific research to deliver high-paid jobs of the future, grow the economy in cutting-edge industries, and improve people’s lives from better healthcare to security.

The 10 points of the new Science and Technology Framework centre on:

  • identifying, pursuing and achieving strategic advantage in the technologies that are most critical to achieving UK objectives
  • showcasing the UK’s S&T strengths and ambitions at home and abroad to attract talent, investment and boost our global influence
  • boosting private and public investment in research and development for economic growth and better productivity
  • building on the UK’s already enviable talent and skills base
  • financing innovative science and technology start-ups and companies
  • capitalising on the UK government’s buying power to boost innovation and growth through public sector procurement
  • shaping the global science and tech landscape through strategic international engagement, diplomacy and partnerships
  • ensuring researchers have access to the best physical and digital infrastructure for R&D that attracts talent, investment and discoveries
  • leveraging post-Brexit freedoms to create world-leading pro-innovation regulation and influence global technical standards
  • creating a pro-innovation culture throughout the UK’s public sector to improve the way our public services run

The delivery of this new Framework will begin immediately with an initial raft of projects, worth around £500 million in new and existing funding, which will help ensure the UK has the skills and infrastructure to take a global lead in game-changing technologies.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “Trailblazing science and innovation have been in our DNA for decades. But in an increasingly competitive world, we can only stay ahead with focus, dynamism and leadership.

“That’s why we’re setting out 10 key actions under a bold new plan to cement our place as a global science and technology superpower by 2030 – from pursuing transformational technologies like AI and supercomputing to attracting top talent and ensuring they have the tools they need to succeed.

“The more we innovate, the more we can grow our economy, create the high-paid jobs of the future, protect our security, and improve lives across the country.”

Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan said: “Innovation and technology are our future. They hold the keys to everything from raising productivity and wages, to transforming healthcare, reducing energy prices and ultimately creating jobs and economic growth in the UK, providing the financial firepower allowing us to spend more on public services.

“That is why we are putting the full might of the British government and our private sector partners behind our push to become a scientific and technological superpower, because only through being world-leaders in future industries like AI and quantum will we be able to improve the lives of every Briton.”

The initial package of projects to drive forward the actions of the Science and Technology Framework includes:

  • £250 million investment in three transformational technologies to build on the UK’s global leadership in AI, quantum technologies and engineering biology, so they can help a range of industries tackle the biggest global challenges like climate change and health care. This forms part of our commitment to the five technologies within the science and technology framework, which also includes semiconductors and future telecoms
  • publication of Sir Paul Nurse’s Independent Review of the Research, Development and Innovation Organisational Landscape with recommendations to make the most of the UK’s research organisations, ensuring they are effective, sustainable and responsive to global challenges
  • testing different models of funding science, to support a range of innovative institutional models, such as Focused Research Organisations (known as FROs), working with industry and philanthropic partners to open up new funding for UK research. For example, this could include working with a range of partners to increase investment in the world leading UK Biobank, to support the continued revolution in genetic science
  • up to £50 million to spur co-investment in science from the private sector and philanthropists to drive the discoveries of the future, subject to business cases. The government is already talking to Schmidt Futures, a philanthropic initiative of Eric and Wendy Schmidt, about additional support of up to $20 million as part of this work
  • £117 million of existing funding to create hundreds of new PhDs for AI researchers and £8 million to find the next generation of AI leaders around the world to do their research in the UK
  • a £50 million uplift to World Class Labs funding to help research institutes and universities to improve facilities so UK researchers have access to the best labs and equipment they need to keep producing world-class science, opening up entirely new avenues for economic growth and job creation
  • a £10 million uplift to the UK Innovation and Science Seed Fund, totalling £50 million, to boost the UK’s next tech and science start-ups who could be the next Apple, Google or Tesla
  • plans to set up an Exascale supercomputer facility – the most powerful compute capability which could solve problems as complex as nuclear fusion – as well as a programme to provide dedicated compute capacity for important AI research, as part of the response to the Future of Compute Review
  • £9 million in government funding to support the establishment of a quantum computing research centre by PsiQuantum in Daresbury in the North-West

The Framework has been designed in consultation with industry experts and academics, to help deliver stronger growth, better jobs, and bold discoveries to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow.

The plan will be a cross-government endeavour led by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) to bring together responsibility for the UK’s world class research and innovation system with the 5 technologies of tomorrow – quantum, AI, engineering biology, semiconductors, future telecoms plus life sciences and green technologies, into one single department for the first time.

Director of the Francis Crick Institute and lead reviewer of the Landscape Review, Paul Nurse, said: “It is absolutely right, as the Prime Minister has said, that the future of the UK depends upon research, science and technology. Only by being a leading science nation can the UK drive a sustainable economy, increased productivity and generate societal benefits such as improved healthcare and protecting the environment.

“The Government’s endorsement of this approach is to be fully supported. My Review of the research, development and innovation landscape makes a range of recommendations across the whole RDI endeavour, which if adopted together, provides a blueprint for government to make the UK a genuine science superpower.”

Today the government is also announcing a further extension until 30 June 2023 of the financial guarantee provided to the UK’s Horizon Europe applicants so that eligible, successful bids for calls closing on or before this date continue to be guaranteed funding, supporting them to continue their important work in research and innovation.

Science, innovation and technology are the drivers of economic growth and productivity. More than half of the UK’s future labour productivity growth will come from adopting the best available technologies and the rest from ‘pushing the frontier’ of technology even further. Each £1 of public R&D investment leverages £2 of private R&D investment in the long run.

The announcements build on existing Government efforts to support science and technology. This includes setting up the Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) to fund high-risk, high-reward R&D; investing £100 million in a pilot bringing together national and local partners in Glasgow, Greater Manchester and the West Midlands to accelerate their growth into major, globally competitive centres for research and innovation; and publishing the UK Digital Strategy committed to rolling out world-class digital infrastructure, unlocking the value of data to create growth, innovation and societal benefits across the UK and harnessing digital transformation to build a more inclusive, competitive and innovative digital economy.

Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London.

Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.

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MIT launches cross-disciplinary program to boost AI hardware innovation https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/2022/03/31/mit-launches-cross-disciplinary-program-boost-ai-hardware-innovation/ https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/2022/03/31/mit-launches-cross-disciplinary-program-boost-ai-hardware-innovation/#respond Thu, 31 Mar 2022 15:31:40 +0000 https://artificialintelligence-news.com/?p=11825 MIT has launched a new academia and industry partnership called the AI Hardware Program that aims to boost research and development. “A sharp focus on AI hardware manufacturing, research, and design is critical to meet the demands of the world’s evolving devices, architectures, and systems,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of the MIT School of Engineering,... Read more »

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MIT has launched a new academia and industry partnership called the AI Hardware Program that aims to boost research and development.

“A sharp focus on AI hardware manufacturing, research, and design is critical to meet the demands of the world’s evolving devices, architectures, and systems,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of the MIT School of Engineering, and Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 

“Knowledge-sharing between industry and academia is imperative to the future of high-performance computing.”

There are five inaugural members of the program:

  • Amazon
  • Analog Devices
  • ASML
  • NTT Research
  • TSMC

As the diversity of the inaugural members shows, the program is intended to be a cross-disciplinary effort.

“As AI systems become more sophisticated, new solutions are sorely needed to enable more advanced applications and deliver greater performance,” commented Daniel Huttenlocher, dean of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and Henry Ellis Warren Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

 “Our aim is to devise real-world technological solutions and lead the development of technologies for AI in hardware and software.”

A key goal of the program is to help create more energy-efficient systems.

“We are all in awe at the seemingly superhuman capabilities of today’s AI systems. But this comes at a rapidly increasing and unsustainable energy cost,” explained Jesús del Alamo, the Donner Professor in MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

“Continued progress in AI will require new and vastly more energy-efficient systems. This, in turn, will demand innovations across the entire abstraction stack, from materials and devices to systems and software. The program is in a unique position to contribute to this quest.”

Other key areas of exploration include:

  • Analog neural networks
  • New CMOS designs
  • Heterogeneous integration for AI systems
  • Monolithic-3D AI systems
  • Analog nonvolatile memory devices
  • Software-hardware co-design
  • Intelligence at the edge
  • Intelligent sensors
  • Energy-efficient AI
  • Intelligent Internet of Things (IIoT)
  • Neuromorphic computing
  • AI edge security
  • Quantum AI
  • Wireless technologies
  • Hybrid-cloud computing
  • High-performance computation

It’s an exhaustive list and an ambitious project. However, the AI Hardware Program is off to a great start with the inaugural members bringing significant talent and expertise in their respective fields to the table.

“We live in an era where paradigm-shifting discoveries in hardware, systems communications, and computing have become mandatory to find sustainable solutions—solutions that we are proud to give to the world and generations to come,” says Aude Oliva, Senior Research Scientist in the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Director of Strategic Industry Engagement at the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing.

The program is being co-led by Jesús del Alamo and Aude Oliva. Anantha Chandrakasan will serve as its chair.

More information about the AI Hardware Program can be found here.

(Photo by Nejc Soklič on Unsplash)

Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo. The next events in the series will be held in Santa Clara on 11-12 May 2022, Amsterdam on 20-21 September 2022, and London on 1-2 December 2022.

Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.

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GTC 2021: Nvidia debuts accelerated computing libraries, partners with Google, IBM, and others to speed up quantum research https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/2021/11/09/gtc-2021-nvidia-debuts-accelerated-computing-libraries-partners-with-google-ibm-and-others-to-speed-up-quantum-research/ https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/2021/11/09/gtc-2021-nvidia-debuts-accelerated-computing-libraries-partners-with-google-ibm-and-others-to-speed-up-quantum-research/#respond Tue, 09 Nov 2021 13:06:58 +0000 https://artificialintelligence-news.com/?p=11349 Nvidia has unveiled 65 new and updated software development kits at GTC 2021, alongside a partnership with industry leaders to speed up quantum research. The company’s roster of accelerated computing kits now exceeds 150 and supports the almost three million developers in NVIDIA’s Developer Program. Four of the major new SDKs are: ReOpt – Automatically... Read more »

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Nvidia has unveiled 65 new and updated software development kits at GTC 2021, alongside a partnership with industry leaders to speed up quantum research.

The company’s roster of accelerated computing kits now exceeds 150 and supports the almost three million developers in NVIDIA’s Developer Program.

Four of the major new SDKs are:

  • ReOpt – Automatically optimises logistical processes using advanced, parallel algorithms. This includes vehicle routes, warehouse selection, and fleet mix. The dynamic rerouting capabilities – shown in an on-stage demo – can reduce travel time, save fuel costs, and minimise idle periods.
  • cuNumeric – Implements the popular NumPy application programming interface and enables scaling to multi-GPU and multi-node systems with zero code changes.
  • cuQuantum – Designed for quantum computing, it enables large quantum circuits to be simulated faster. This enables quantum researchers to simulate areas such as near-term variational quantum algorithms for molecules, error correction algorithms to identify fault tolerance, and accelerate popular quantum simulators from Atos, Google, and IBM.
  • CUDA-X accelerated DGL container – Helps developers and data scientists working on graph neural networks to quickly set up a working environment. The container makes it easy to work in an integrated, GPU-accelerated GNN environment combining DGL and Pytorch.

Some existing AI-related SDKs that have received notable updates are:

  • Deepstream 6.0 – introduces a new graph composer that makes computer vision accessible with a visual drag-and-drop interface.
  • Triton 2.15, TensorRT 8.2 and cuDNN 8.4 – assists with the development of deep neural networks by providing new optimisations for large language models and inference acceleration for gradient-boosted decision trees and random forests.
  • Merlin 0.8 – boosts recommendation systems with its new capabilities for predicting a user’s next action with little or no user data and support for models larger than GPU memory.

Accelerating quantum research

Nvidia has established a partnership with Google, IBM, and a number of small companies, national labs, and university research groups to accelerate quantum research.

“It takes a village to nurture an emerging technology, so Nvidia is collaborating with Google Quantum AI, IBM, and others to take quantum computing to the next level,” explained the company in a blog post.

The first library from the aforementioned new cuQuantum SDK is Nvidia’s initial contribution to the partnership. The library is called cuStateVec and is an accelerator for the state vector simulation method which tracks the full state of the system in memory and can scale to tens of qubits.

cuStateVec has been integrated into Google Quantum AI’s state vector simulator qsim and can be used through the open-source framework Cirq.

“Quantum computing promises to solve tough challenges in computing that are beyond the reach of traditional systems,” commented Catherine Vollgraff Heidweiller at Google Quantum AI.

“This high-performance simulation stack will accelerate the work of researchers around the world who are developing algorithms and applications for quantum computers.”

In December, cuStateVec will also be integrated with Qiskit Aer—a high-performance simulator framework for quantum circuits from IBM.

Among the national labs using cuQuantum to accelerate their research are Oak Ridge, Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. University research groups include those at Caltech, Oxford, and MIT.

Nvidia is helping developers to get started by creating a ‘DGX quantum appliance’ that puts its simulation software in a container optimised for its DGX A100 systems. The software will be available early next year via the company’s NGC Catalog.

(Image Credit: Nvidia)

Looking to revamp your digital transformation strategy? Learn more about the Digital Transformation Week event taking place in Amsterdam on 23-24 November 2021 and discover key strategies for making your digital efforts a success.

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