NIST: VisionLabs, IDEMIA, and CloudWalk lead in facial recognition accuracy

A report from the US government’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reveals the accuracy of various facial recognition algorithms.

The latest edition of the report currently has VisionLabs, IDEMIA, and CloudWalk in the lead:

Higher numbers are better as they indicate a lower prevalence of false positives.

The “N” values represent the number of individuals enrolled in each simulation of aircraft boarding. The N = 42,000 simulation,...

Synthesized’s free tool aims to detect and remove algorithmic biases

Synthesized has launched a free tool which aims to quickly identify and remove dangerous biases in algorithms.

As humans, we all have biases. These biases, often unconsciously, end up in algorithms which are designed to be used across society.

In practice, this could mean anything from a news app serving more left-wing or right-wing content—through to facial recognition systems which flag some races and genders more than others.

A 2010 study (PDF) by...

Mozilla shares YouTube horror tales in campaign for responsible algorithms

mozilla youtube algorithms horror stories campaign ai artificial intelligence recommendations

Mozilla has launched a campaign for more responsible algorithms by sharing YouTube horror tales crowdsourced from social media.

We've all scratched our heads at some recommendations when using online platforms. Just yesterday, Verge reporter Megan Farokhmanesh shared how her Instagram recommendations have been plagued by some rather bizarre CGI images of teeth.

Farokhmanesh's account is of a recommendation algorithm going rogue in a relatively harmless and amusing way,...

Joy Buolamwini: Fighting algorithmic bias needs to be ‘a priority’

Algorithmic Justice League founder Joy Buolamwini gave a speech during the World Economic Forum this week on the need to fight AI bias.

Buolamwini is also an MIT Media Lab researcher and went somewhat viral for her TED Talk in 2016 titled ‘How I’m fighting bias in algorithms’.

Her latest speech included a presentation in which Buolamwini went over an analysis of the current popular facial recognition algorithms.

Here were the overall accuracy results when...