Iurii Milovanov, SoftServe: How AI/ML is helping boost innovation and personalisation

Iurii Milovanov, SoftServe

Could you tell us a little bit about SoftServe and what the company does?

Sure. We’re a 30-year-old global IT services and professional services provider. We specialise in using emerging state-of-the-art technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data and blockchain, to solve real business problems. We’re highly obsessed with our customers, about their problems - not about technologies - although we are technology experts. But we always try to find the best technology...

EU committees green-light the AI Act

The Internal Market Committee and the Civil Liberties Committee of the European Parliament have endorsed new transparency and risk-management rules for artificial intelligence systems known as the AI Act.

This marks a major step in the development of AI regulation in Europe, as these are the first-ever rules for AI. The rules aim to ensure that AI systems are safe, transparent, traceable, and non-discriminatory.

After the vote, co-rapporteur Brando Benifei (S&D,...

AI professionals seek job flexibility and stability over exciting perks

Research suggests that AI professionals looking for a new job prioritise flexibility and stability over exciting perks.

Despite recent high-profile layoffs, the wider talent shortage is ongoing. Organisations looking to attract, or retain, the best candidates are offering numerous unique benefits.

However, research from BenchSci finds that AI, machine learning, and data professionals are mostly looking for flexibility and stability in their future...

Microsoft lays off AI ethics team 

Microsoft has laid off a team dedicated to ensuring the responsible development and deployment of AI.

Platformer reports the ethics and society team were laid off as part of wider cuts to Microsoft’s workforce. However, the decision leaves Microsoft with fewer experts working to ensure solutions are safe and have a net positive impact.

The perception of Microsoft as an AI leader has deepened following its exclusive partnership with OpenAI. The duo continue to deliver...

Developers believe AI will have a positive world impact

AI is among the “next” technologies that developers believe will have a positive world impact.

Some artists, developers, writers, and other creators have expressed concern that generative AIs may pose a threat to their livelihoods. However, an increasing number view such AIs as assistive tools that will help creators rather than replace them.

Stack Overflow surveyed its developer community to find out how developers feel about technologies currently making the...

Apple shies from the spotlight with staff-only AI summit

Apple seems happy to stay out of the spotlight when it comes to the “AI race” going by its latest summit.

Microsoft, Google, Baidu, and others have all raced to make very public AI announcements over the past month. Apple held its own AI event earlier this month but it was a staff-only affair.

Apple’s low-key AI event was notable as being the first to be held in-person at the Steve Jobs Theatre since the pandemic began. Other than that, it wasn’t particularly...

GitHub CEO: The EU ‘will define how the world regulates AI’

GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke addressed the EU Open Source Policy Summit in Brussels and gave his views on the bloc’s upcoming AI Act. 

“The AI Act will define how the world regulates AI and we need to get it right, for developers and the open-source community,” said Dohmke.

Dohmke was born and grew up in Germany but now lives in the US. As such, he is all too aware of the widespread belief that the EU cannot lead when it comes to tech innovation.

“As a...

Lucy 4 is moving ahead with generative AI for knowledge management

When it comes to workplace bugbears, wasting time fruitlessly searching shared drives for a particular resource has to be up there. Yet would it not be easier to lighten the workload through an answer engine with a sprinkling of generative AI?  

Machine learning software, by definition, is self-learning. As users ask more questions of an AI, and the AI provides answers, feedback loops are developed which help the product get stronger and the return on investment become...

Zoom enters the conversational AI arena 

Zoom is getting into the conversational AI arena with the launch of Zoom Virtual Agent.

The chatbot solution aims to improve how businesses assist their customers and employees by delivering fast and highly-personalised responses.

“Every leader I speak to is seeking dual outcomes from their CX technology: superior omnichannel resolutions for their customers and an improved bottom line,” said Mahesh Ram, Head of Digital Customer Experience at...

GitHub Code Brushes uses ML to update code ‘like painting with Photoshop’

GitHub Next has unveiled a project called Code Brushes which uses machine learning to update code “like painting with Photoshop”.

Using the feature, developers can “brush” over their code to see it update in real-time.

Several different brushes are included to achieve various aims. For example, one brush makes code more readable—especially important when coding as part of a team or contributing to open-source projects.

Here are the other included...