Steve Frederickson, How AI powers a next-gen ‘answer engine’

In an interview at AI & Big Data Expo with Steve Frederickson, Chief Product Officer at, we gained valuable insights into how AI is powering a next-gen “answer engine” for enterprises.

Lucy is designed to unlock and harness the vast knowledge residing within a company's data repositories, regardless of format or source. From SharePoint and Google Drive to Dropbox and third-party tools, Lucy can seamlessly search and connect with all types of content, facilitating...

Lucy 4 is moving ahead with generative AI for knowledge management

When it comes to workplace bugbears, wasting time fruitlessly searching shared drives for a particular resource has to be up there. Yet would it not be easier to lighten the workload through an answer engine with a sprinkling of generative AI?  

Machine learning software, by definition, is self-learning. As users ask more questions of an AI, and the AI provides answers, feedback loops are developed which help the product get stronger and the return on investment become...